I’ve come to the realization that lettering is the worst part of making a comic. There are too many words in this one. Yeah, I wanna write a lot of stuff for Octopus Kid’s spooky story — but when you see it all in a thumbnail, it starts looking horrid. It’s like your drawing is covered in marshmallows, and those marshmallows are crawling with ants.

Anyway, kind of related to complaining, I’ve more or less fallen off of the real world calendar. This is the problem with only updating twice a week. It’s back to school time in the States right now, yet this “Down Under” story isn’t finished. I might not be able to get DK back into school until October, which is pretty silly, especially considering that I was writing something not-schoolsy to follow up “Down Under.” So I guess this is just to say the back-2-skool comix will come later rather than sooner. I don’t wanna leave Gorilla Teacher and all the other animal kids behind.