There’s some interplay between this comic and #24, so you might find it more rewarding to jump back and look at that one again. I mean, I found it rewarding.

Originally, I was thinking I’d have DK and OK run into a couple of wolf cubs playing around. The joke would be, “Look! Wolves!” And you think, “Oh no, wolves in the wilderness — danger! This is just like The Grey! (which is actually a really good movie, wow (albeit womanless))” Except the wolves I had in mind were just neighborhood kids, so our explorers are saved. But then I drew Pika Lady and just found her kind of weirdly enchanting. She’s like a grown up manic pixie dream girl with a job, or a cat lady without any cats. Here’s the original sketchbook page where I came up with her:

pika lady sketch

. . . a pose I mostly tried to reproduce here. Also, you can note that I spelled “pika” as if it were “pica,” like the eating disorder. Pretty embarrassing, huh.

I’ll do a process post on Saturday, in case you’re interested in how I draw these things. (I’m always interested in other webcomics’ process posts, even if it’s a comic I don’t like.)

– jimmy g.