This comic looks a little more orderly than the last. Can you tell why? You can flip back and forth if you want to test yourself.

Yep, it’s the frames! I did ’em sloppy by hand in the last one, and straight here (which is what I almost always did before). After trying both on the PC, I think the comics got enough of a hand-drawn aesthetic without wacky-frames making it look totally disorderly.

In other news, Planet Comicon is next weekend in Kansas City and I can’t be there, though I wish I could. It’s always fun to hurriedly prepare in the weeks before . Last year was especially cool because I made a few dozen unique drawings and gave them away. But I kept pictures of them, and you can see them in the other comics page. Look upon them and despair that this year there are no equivalents. WOE BE TO WE.